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Wall Street & Technology

Wall Street & Technology Magazine

Wall Street & Technology covers the pressing issues facing the capital markets IT community, including trading, security, risk management and exchange news.


Asahi Rolls Out FNX

By Craig McGuire

Financial services firms are changing their strategy, opting for single system architecture over “best of breed” when it comes to risk and trading systems. (Click Here to Read More)


The Big Time: Barclays Global Investors Worldwide IT Vision

By Craig McGuire

BGI takes on the daunting challenge of a complete IT overhaul with the intent of streamlining its global platform. (Click Here to Read More)


BNY ESI Upgrade to Meet SEC Soft-Dollar Guidelines

By Craig McGuire

With the much anticipated soft-dollar report released by the Securities and Exchange Commision proved less threatening than most expected, some brokers and money managers will be keeping a closer eye on soft-dollar expenditures … (Click Here to Read More)


Richard Burdge: Keeping Up With Global STP at Reuters

By Craig McGuire

Counting on the potential of its extensive back-office client base, Reuters is outfitting a London-based operation to make a run at the burgeoning global straight-through processing (STP) market. (Click Here to Read More)


Chase GIS Leaves Fingerprint on Apollo During Beta

By Craig McGuire

Committing dollars to web-based technology can be a costly decision for an IT manager. That’s why Chase Global Investor Services’ (GIS) senior technology officer, George MacDonald. Insisted on participating in the development process for Sungard Investment Systems’ fledgling Apollo … (Click Here to Read More)


Is CMRA Heading for a Break-Up?

By Craig McGuire

Buzz on the Street has one of the founders of New York-based consultants Capital Market Risk Advisors (CMRA) heading for the exit. Industry sources are speculating that CMRA … (Click Here to Read More)


Deutsche Asset Links Arms With International Affiliates

By Craig McGuire

With more asset management firms herded under the same global corporate banner – usually through acquisition – many affiliated IT managers are finding value in emulating each other’s technology infrastructures. Maybe that’s why Deutsche Asset Management’s … (Click Here to Read More)


DLJ’s Pershing and Scherrer Resources Reach Agreement on Broker’s Ally Pro

By Craig McGuire

The Pershing division of Donaldson, Lufking & Jenrette and Scherrer Resources have come to terms on a joint licensing, marketing and technical transfer agreement involving both firm’s brokerage technology offerings. (Click Here to Read More)


DTC / NSCC Getting Their Act Together

By Craig McGuire

With regulatory approval for the merger of the Depository Trust Company (DTC) and the National Securities Clearing Corp. (NSCC) expected to be handed down soon, officials at both bodies are … (Click Here to Read More)


Enterprise Java Beans Coming to a Vendor Near You

By Craig McGuire

As developers wring more and more functionality out of Internet-based technologies, some IT managers are sitting up and taking notice. For the most part, while some major players in the capital markets show … (Click Here to Read More)


Faster, Damnit, Faster!

By Craig McGuire

With ever-expanding trade volumes showing no sign of receding, the pressure is on for the market data vendors to not only provide greater capacity over faster, reliable market-data feeds, but do it as cheaply as possible. While it may not have the name recognition or market share of a Reuters or Bloomberg … (Click Here to Read More)


FIXML Set for Launch

By Craig McGuire

From the people who brought you the Financial Information Exchange (FIX), the 1992 blockbuster dedicated to truth, justice and the development of a single electronic protocol for trading communications, now comes the eagerly awaited sequel: FIXML, the next generation … (Click Here to Read More)


If It Ain’t Broke

By Craig McGuire

With a fickle bunch of people, like money managers, IT tends to have a short shelf life. Every four or five years a new regime charges in, rips out the old and plugs in the new. A vendor who keeps the same client’s business for 10 years is … (Click Here to Read More)


IT Managers Demanding More Money

By Craig McGuire

Strong, reliable nuts-and-bolts investment management and accounting features used to be all a vendor needed to land new accounts. Nowadays, IT managers like Asset Management Advisors (AMA) Jonathan Carroll are demanding … (Click Here to Read More)


Jefferies Completes Spin-Off and Merger

By Craig McGuire

As expected, New York-based institutional brokerage Jefferies Group and broker / dealer Investment Technology Group, Inc. (ITG) have completed the planned spin-off of Jefferies & Co. (JEFCO) and other subsidiaries, as well as the merger of ITG with the former Jefferies Group … (Click Here to Read More)


KPMG Survey Exposes Operational Gaps on the Buy Side

By Craig McGuire

Systems integration speedbumps, lingering Y2k, EMU issues and ever-evolving global industry standards are just a few of the many problems swarming over buy-side IT departments these days. So says … (Click Here to Read More)


Stability As Important As Ability for Some IT Managers

By Craig McGuire

In this, the age of mergers and acquisitions, portfolio management and accounting software vendors are being constantly swallowed up and spit out. Products are reworked, named or sometimes just … (Click Here to Read More)


MKI Reportedly Gives C*ATS Marketing Team the Axe

By Craig McGuire

Though it’s nearly six months since Misys plc acquired C*ATS Software, the London-based firm is still working out the kinks as it folds the risk management vendor into its own Midas-Kapiti International subsidiary … (Click Here to Read More)


Navellier Feeling Secure With Network Integrity

By Craig McGuire

Data replication and protection are mundane, thankless tasks that you usually don’t hear much about. That is, until your system crashes and the panic and mayhem reign in the back office … (Click Here to Read More)


PM&A Vendors Swap Euro, Y2k for STP, T+1 and More

By Craig McGuire

While Y2k and euro compliance will continue to dominate rada screens for investment technology software vendors at least until early next year, that’s not all that’s on their minds. It’s not that Y2k and euro compliance are no longer priorities … (Click Here to Read More)


Primark Launches Global Access 3.5

By Craig McGuire

Running on some 400,000 desktops in financial institutions around the world, Primark Corp. had better provide regular enhancements for its Global Access research tool. The vendor recently launched the latest flavor of … (Click Here to Read More)


RAROC on the Rise

By Craig McGuire

More firms are analyzing revenue in relation to risk by using RAROC calculations designed in-house. Will the vendor community jump in the game? With financial services firms constantly … (Click Here to Read More)


Thomson ESG Comes Around

By Craig McGuire

Company vies for vendor-of-choice status with unveiling of “intelligent” processing systems as competition surfaces in straight-through processing battle with DTC. It may have taken a bit longer than expected, but Thomson ESG has finally pulled back the curtain on its new … (Click Here to Read More)


TIBCO Full Speed Ahead Following IPO

By Craig McGuire

There’s much brewing over at TIBCO Software these days. Looking to head off growing concern over the vendor’s issuance of an IPO, Simon Yeneken, CEO at sister firm TIBCO Finance Technology, recently issued a … (Click Here to Read More)


Proper Planning is Key

By Craig McGuire

Despite difficulties involved in a long-term system rollout, T. Rowe Price remains on target with its IT overhaul. With investment management constantly evolving, it’s difficult for asset managers to commit to lengthy enterprise-wide system deployments … (Click Here to Read More)


All or Nothing: The Quest for Data Integration Perfection

By Craig McGuire

I.T. managers at more and more global institutional investors are finding out there’s just so much they can do with what they have. Sure, everybody wants seamless enterprise-wide integration of data application. And sure, they’d like … (Click Here to Read More)

Photo Credit: Rick Tap (Courtesy of Unsplash.com)