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Risk Management Operations

Risk Management Operations is published by Waters Information Services, also publisher of Investment Management Technology, Trading Systems Technology, Inside Market Data, Dealing With Technology and Waters Magazine.


World Bank Hunts for New Risk System

By Craig McGuire

The World Bank is out shopping for a Microsoft Windows NT-based risk management system to assess market risk exposures across its Washington D.C.-based treasury department …(Click Here to Read More)


AlmanMurphy Readies Banc Risk Data Service

By Craig McGuire

AlmanMurphy Network Services, a Minneapolis-based start-up vendor, is gearing up for the launch of its Bankers Automated Network Connection (Banc) risk management service for bonds and derivatives portfolios …(Click Here to Read More)


Bankers Trust Plans Automated Audit Trail for Derivatives

By Craig McGuire

Bankers Trust has announced plans to develop an automated system for tracking audit trails on complex financial instruments at its Global Investment Bank (GIB) subsidiary … (Click Here to Read More)


First Union Bank Develops Fixed Income Risk Management System

By Craig McGuire

U.S. super-regional First Unio National Bank of North Carolina’s Section 20 securities subsidiary has gone live with a proprietary value-at-risk market and credit risk management system …(Click Here to Read More)


JP Morgan Launches Global Risk Consultancy Service

By Craig McGuire

JP Morgan has launched a new consultancy division called the Global Risk Management Services Group. The 30-strong group will market its risk advisory services, research and products to clients in all sectors of finance …(Click Here to Read More)


Merrill Lynch Sets Up Global Risk Service

By Craig McGuire

Merrill Lynch is preparing to launch a “global advisory group” to advise pension funds, insurers and other institutional managers on risk management, asset allocation and regulatory issues …(Click Here to Read More)


NAB Integrates its Trading and Credit Systems

By Craig McGuire

National Australia Bank (NAB) has completed the first phase of a project to integrate the bulk of its front, middle and back office treasury systems at its London offices. The bank has installed …(Click Here to Read More)


Photo Credit: Helloquence (Courtesy of Unsplash.com)