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PR Week: Regional Focus

Market Focus: In the Shadow of Giants (NY/NJ PR)

By Craig McGuire

New Jersey PR shops had a poor showing in this year’s PR Week rankings. But Craig McGuire reports that hi-tech and healthcare are a hearty base for this unique scene. Sulking behind more influential neighbors like New York and Philadelphia for so long would give any state identity issues. However, momentous growth in … (Click Here to Read More)


Market Focus: Weathering the Storm in the Sunshine State (Florida PR)

By Craig McGuire

A recent spate of hurricanes is not stemming the momentum built up by the Sunshine State’s PR community. Driven by a robust economy fueling growth across multiple sectors, the Florida PR industry gained substantial momentum through most of this year. That is, until the Sunshine State was ravaged by four successive hurricanes in less than six weeks … (Click Here to Read More)


Market Focus: Settling the Jersey Score (New Jersey PR)

By Craig McGuire

Benjamin Franklin once likened New Jersey to “a keg tapped at both ends.” He was referring to New York and Pennsylvania, both of which boat high-profile cities. It’s unlikely Trenton and Newark will ever outshine New York and Philadelphia, but PR in the Garden State is thriving nonetheless. New Jersey agencies benefit from … (Click Here to Read More)


Market Focus: PR’s Smallest Large Market (Phoenix PR)

By Craig McGuire

With Arizona a state of transplants, Phoenix’s melting pot is a great test market for campaign and business approaches. In the Navajo language, Phoenix is known as Hoozdo, or “the place is hot.” And while economists expect growth to slow a bit in the Grand Canyon state this year – Arizona grew its employment base 4.1%, while its economy expanded 8.6% in 2005 – it is expected to continue outstripping national averages … (Click Here to Read More)


Market Focus: On a Rocky Mountain High (Colorado PR)

By Craig McGuire

An entrepreneurial spirit is infusing Colorado’s business scene, and companies and PR agencies alike agree talent is abundant. Like many other regions, job losses in telecom, tech, and tourism slammed Colorado in the wake of the 2001 recession. But while recovery here has lagged behind the overall economy, today the area’s performance, especially in the metro Denver area, is outstripping many national averages … (Click Here to Read More)


Market Focus: PR Inside the Heartland (Central States PR)

By Craig McGuire

Corporate consolidation hurt, but agencies are leaner and meaner now. There is a rumbling in the heartland as states throughout the lower Midwest and down through the inland Gulf Coast experience a slow economic resurgence, spurring new PR account opportunities. However, the majority of this sputtering growth stems from small to midsize businesses, as the recession that battered the US economy in 2001 lasted longer and hurt worse in the heartland … (Click Here to Read More)


Market Focus: On a Winning Streak (Boston PR)

By Craig McGuire

Hiring is up, PR is back, and the Red Sox won the World Series. With the Red Sox’s dramatic comeback against hated rivals the New York Yankees powering them toward their first World Series win since 1918, Boston erased nearly a century of frustration. Last year, the PR industry fed on the elation emanating from Fenway Park that transcended baseball, redefining a city and unburdening it from “The Curse.” But while the BoSox’s win was the headline … (Click Here to Read More)


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