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PR Week: How to Pitch …

How To Get On “Extra”

By Craig McGuire

If it happens in Hollywood, “Extra” is there. But the show’s producers like to focus more on the human angle than just the glitz and glamour, reports Craig McGuire. Syndicated entertainment show Extra is generally focused on all things Hollywood, but in the light of the September 11 tragedy … (Click Here to Read More)


How To Get On ABC’s “Good Morning America”

By Craig McGuire

Producers at ABC’s “Good Morning America” have been busy for weeks preparing a number of segments to coincide with the upcoming execution of Oklahoma City Bomber Timothy McVeigh. Newsworthy, timely and of interest to a broad audience, the story has all the attributes GMA producers crave … (Click Here to Read More)


How To Get On “Entertainment Tonight”

By Craig McGuire

We can’t help ourselves. We’re simply obsessed with celebrity. From Tom cruising Penelope, to what Robert Downey Jr. wore to his last hearing. Television viewers simply cannot get enough celebrity news. It’s also one of the most competitive markets when it comes to getting coverage. Craig McGuire dishes the ins and outs of getting on “Entertainment Tonight.” … (Click Here to Read More)


How To Get On CNN’s “Lou Dobbs Moneyline”

By Craig McGuire

Lou Dobbs and his producers were tailoring the June 28 edition of CNN’s “Lou Dobbs Moneyline” around the financial markets, following a strong midweek surge on Wall Street. That was until the Microsoft story broke. Six hours later, Dobbs was telling viewers, “Tonight, Microsoft wins. An appeals court throws out the Microsoft breakup order. Bill Gates is our guest … (Click Here to Read More)


How To Get On Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart”

By Craig McGuire

If you plan to pitch Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart,” your client had better have a sense of humor. Just ask the folks at the Kimberly-Clark Corporation. Earlier this year, the makers of Cottonelle brand bathroom tissue were in the midst of a campaign promoting a revolutionary breakthrough – pre-moistened toilet paper … (Click Here to Read More)


How To Get On PBS’ “That Money Show”

By Craig McGuire

If you thought “That Money Show” centered just on numbers, think again. Craig McGuire discovers that the editorial team’s real interests range from Green Machines to airline ticket prices to healthcare costs. Focusing on a limited number of subjects each week, broadcast news magazine like “That Money Show” are incredibly hard to pitch. However … (Click Here to Read More)


How To Get In “Premier” Magazine

By Craig McGuire

All eyes are on Hollywood, so it makes sense that you’d want your client in the spotlight. One of the first places publicists target is Premier magazine, but you’ll need to do some research before your client appears opposite J Lo, Craig McGuire reports. “Premier” magazine knows everyone loves a backstage pass, and its mission is to show people what goes on behind the silver screen … (Click Here to Read More)


How To Get In the “Los Angeles Times” Calendar

By Craig McGuire

In a city like Los Angeles, it’s tough to get an entertainment client noticed. But the LA Times’ Calendar is fast becoming the go-to outlet for entertainment happenings, Craig McGuire reports. The Los Angeles Times has cultivated its event listings section, Calendar, into something of a must-read for many West Coast entertainment-industry types … (Click Here to Read More)


Photo Credit: Matthias Blonski Courtesy of Unsplash.com