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Park Slope Courier

Park Slope Courier  (Courier Life)

Park Slope Courier is a newspaper in New York City, covering local news, sports, business, jobs, and community events for Park Slope, Windsor Terrace, Red Hook, Gowanus, and surrounding areas.


Community Board 2 to Junior’s: “Let Them Eat Cake!”

By Craig McGuire

In Bensonhurst, you can drive down Vincent Gardenia Boulevard and in Bedford Stuyvesant, you can turn onto Marcus Garvey Boulevard. So why not rename a corner in Brooklyn Heights to honor one of the neighborhood’s most noted items? … (Click Here to Read More)


Community Board 6 Waits on DOT in Traffic Plan

By Craig McGuire

Community Board 6 is withholding the approval of a Department of Transportation project, designed to test traffic calming devices in Red Hook, until they receive additional information from the DOT … (Click Here to Read More)


Community: Bill’s Health Care Package is Bad Medicine

By Craig McGuire

Fore-warnings of massive reductions in health care and potentially inequitable service, both health care providers and health care reform advocates condemned President Bill Clinton’s Health Care Reform Plan at a recent hearing held in Brooklyn … (Click Here to Read More)


Black-American Educator Testifies to Holocaust Horrors

By Craig McGuire

Sharing his personal experiences of the Holocaust and racism, highly acclaimed African-American educator Dr. Leon Bass captivated an audience in Brooklyn Heights, describing his inspiring personal struggles and triumphs … (Click Here to Read More)


Baby New Year – A New Beginning for Rudy and Jorge

By Craig McGuire

The beginning of a new year is a time for celebration and fresh starts, but this year it had a special meaning for the Lopez family. At 2:15 on New Year’s morning, Jessica Lopez gave birth to nine-pound, three-ounce Jorge … (Click Here to Read More)


Red Hook BID Gives Cold Shoulder to Capital Improvements Plan

By Craig McGuire

Capital Improvement plans proposed by the Red Hook Industrial Business Improvement District (BID) steering committee received a cool reception from various community leaders at a recent open forum … (Click Here to Read More)


Red Hook Based Court Program Launched to Combat Public Housing Crime

By Craig McGuire

Targeting crime in public housing, Kings County District Attorney Charles Hynes last week introduced an innovative community court program to be based in the Red Hook Houses … (Click Here to Read More)


Winter Ice Storm Chills Public Hearing

By Craig McGuire

The New York City Civilian Complaint Review Board found itself left out in the cold when a mid-January public meeting in downtown Brooklyn was cancelled when no residents showed up to comment. “When we planned the meeting, we didn’t account for an ice storm … (Click Here to Read More)


Downtown Water Tunnel Goes from Blast to Bore

By Craig McGuire

The Department of Environmental Protection has completed blasting of the water tunnel shaft at 4th Avenue and is now preparing the site for the boring phase of the operation. When completed, City Tunnel Number 3 will connect with extensive tunnels from all five boroughs supplying water from upstate reservoirs … (Click Here to Read More)


Photo Credit: By Mike Ruggy