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Carroll Gardens Courier

Carroll Gardens-Cobble Hill Courier (Courier Life Publications)

The Carroll Gardens / Cobble Hill Courier is a newspaper in New York City, covering local news, sports, business, jobs, and community events for Carroll Gardens, Cobble Hill, Brooklyn Heights, Downtown Brooklyn, Red Hook and surrounding areas.


Downtown Residents Call for Barriers, Buses and Housing

By Craig McGuire

Residents in Carroll Gardens, Cobble Hill and the Columbia Street district told Community Board 6 leaders how they want their future tax dollars spent at a recent forum. Under the New York City Charter, each community board in the city is required to … (Click Here to Read More)


Rudy Dives in toe Help Flooded Carroll Gardens Residents

By Craig McGuire

In the aftermath of the water-main break that poured tens of thousands of gallins of water onto the streets and into the basements of Carroll Gardens residents, Mayor Rudolph Giuliani came to Brooklyn to help residents wade through the difficult recovery ahead … (Click Here to Read More)


District 15’s “Growing Rumble” Shakes Schools’ Budget Plan

By Craig McGuire

School District 15 Superintendent William Casey added his voice to the growing rumble if dissatisfaction concerning Schools Chancellor Ramon Cortines’ proposed five-year capital plan. Casey said he feels priorities established by District 15 at public hearings were disregarded … (Click Here to Read More)


DOT Paves the Way for New Street Construction

By Craig McGuire

As the long-awaited reconstruction of Smith Street, from Hamilton Avenue to Fulton Street, slowly becomes reality, the New York City Department of Transportation has opened the lines of communications to residents and store owners … (Click Here to Read More)


Brooklyn Heights Train Entrances: Relocations, Reductions and Closures

By Craig McGuire

Brooklyn Borough President Howard Golden recently lashed out at a Metropolitan Transportation Authority proposal that would affect straphangers in downtown Brooklyn. The MTA proposes … (Click Here to Read More)


76th Police Precinct Reports on Falling Crime Rate

By Craig McGuire

Police and community groups are hoping that the attention focused on the 76th Precinct this past year, driving down the crime rate, will continue. Annual statistics recently released have shown that … (Click Here to Read More)


Councilman Re-Arming for Assault Weapon Bill

By Craig McGuir

Taking aim at manufacturers of high-powered firearms, City Councilman Ken Fisher is reloading gun control legislation originally introduced in September, 1993. At the 84th Precinct’s January community council meeting, Fisher outlined the bill he authored that includes … (Click Here to Read More)


Brooklyn D.A. Offers a Closer Look at Our Justice System

By Craig McGuire

When not convicting dangerous criminals you might find the staff of Kings County District Attorney Charles Hynes teaching a free seminar on law at your local precinct or advising student at area schools … (Click Here to Read More)


Water Main Break Leaves a Flood of Problems

By Craig McGuire

Local legislators are throwing a line to Carroll Gardens residents struggling to rebuild after last month’s water-main break. At the February meeting of of the First Place Tri-Block Association, City Councilman Stephen DiBrienza updated homeowners wading through oceans of paperwork and drowning under a wave of repair costs… (Click Here to Read More)


Community Galvanizes to Sponge Away Gross Graffiti

By Craig McGuire

As the weather warms up, an alliance organized by Assemblywoman Eileen Dugan is gathering strength in Carroll Gardens, preparing to launch a campaign to wipe graffiti from the face of the community … (Click Here to Read More)

Photo Credit: By Michelb101