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Featured Articles By Craig McGuire


As IT Budgets Inch Up So Do Expectations

By Craig McGuire

Technology decision-makers may loosen their purse strings a bit in the coming months, but they will also expect much more for their IT monies. That is according to several industry analysts who say the free-spending late 1990s are gone for good. Specifically, IT capital budgets will begin to grow again at a modest pace of … (Click Here to Read More)


CSC, EDS Notch New IT Contracts

By Craig McGuire

Major IT outsourcing contracts are showing no signs of letting up as the final quarter in a busy year for outsourcing contracts draws to a close. Two top providers of outsourcing services, Computer Sciences Corp. and Electronic Data Systems Corp., have announced major deals, worth more than $1 billion and $300 million respectively … (Click Here to Read More)


Incamail Aims at ISPs With Free DEA Offering

By Craig McGuire

With most major Internet service providers rushing spam safeguards to market this year (including Yahoo!, MSN, and AOL), start-up Incamail is rolling out a new free service that integrates up to 25 disposable email accounts (known as DEAs) into a single account. At least one major ISP has debuted a DEA feature … (Click Here to Read More)


Newsday Says ‘iCan’ to Integration

By Craig McGuire

Behind the scenes of the daily hustle and bustle of production at Newsday, a new back-end integration system is keeping track of all the moving parts for the daily newspapers’ business divisions. The project, which integrated the newspaper’s legacy mainframe with new reporting systems for its business processes, is part of a plan to help the newspaper pull more profits … (Click Here to Read More)


Nortel in Sell-Off Talks With Flextronics

By Craig McGuire

Nortel Networks is negotiating with Singapore-based contract manufacturing outsourcer Flextronics to sell off the remainder of its manufacturing operations, a move the Toronto-based networking equipment maker projects would save it $2 billion annually. A positive outcome of the ongoing talks with Flextronics would result in … (Click Here to Read More)


Yahoo! In Asian Auction Matchup with SINA

By Craig McGuire

Targeting China’s blossoming online auction market, U.S. Internet and portal powerhouse Yahoo! Is joining with Chinese Web portal SINA.com to jointly launch a new web-based auction service. In a joint statement, Yahoo! And SINA revealed that the auctions-based e-commerce service will be aimed at small- and medium-sized businesses and … (Click Here to Read More)


Photo Credit: Carlos Muza (Courtesy of Unsplash.com)