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Irish America Magazine

Irish America Magazine

Irish America magazine is the leading national glossy publication of Irish interest in North America. Since its inception in October 1985, Irish America has become a powerful vehicle for expression on a range of political, economic, social and cultural themes that are of paramount importance to the Irish in the United States. It has helped re-establish the Irish ethnic identity in the U.S. (34.7 million according to the last U.S. census) and highlights the best political and business leaders, organizations, artists, writers and community figures among the Irish in America.

Full-length Feature

The Irish & Alcohol

By Craig McGuire

When outspoken Irish President Mary McAleese criticized the “stupid, wasteful abuse of alcohol” in her country during the Re-Imagining Ireland conference in Virginia earlier this year, she sparked a firestorm that still smolders on the Emerald Isle. From the pubs to the polls to the pundits, McAleese was soundly thrashed for her opinions. Even those who agreed with her blasted McAleese for criticizing the Irish on foreign soil. Apparently, in a country of only 3.8 million people but with more than 10,000 pubs, the Irish take their drinking very seriously. Where most countries have a bar or club scene, Ireland has pub culture, one that has been exported to virtually every city, town, and village in the world. From the Wicked Monk in Brooklyn to Paddy Foley’s in Tokyo … (Click Here to Read More)


Photo Credit: Taylor Davidson (Courtesy of Unsplash.com)