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PR Week: Wall Street Beat

Nasdaq Plunges, But Pros Keep Quiet

By Craig McGuire

Nasdaq’s policy of not commenting on price levels finally paid dividends last week. In the past, the rule seemed to put the company’s PR pros at a disadvantage, as they were unable to trumpet the exchange’s huge increases … (Click Here to Read More)


NYSE Works to Unveil Direct Plus Plan While Handling Terror Warning

By Craig McGuire

With the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) gearing up to announce a major electronic-trading initiative, little did its PR pros know that they would also be hastily orchestrating press briefings in the wake of renewed terrorist threats – all on the same day. Last Monday, the NYSE announced … (Click Here to Read More)


Disagreements Over Meaning of New SEC Rule Fuel IR Controversy

By Craig McGuire

The SEC’s passage of the much-debated Regulation FD, also known as Fair Disclosure, has stirred up a maelstrom of controversy in the IR community since its release August 10. Championed by SEX Chairman Arthur Levitt, the rule requires companies to broadly … (Click Here to Read More)


More CEOs Take Active Role in Annual Report Creation

By Craig McGuire

More CEOs are participating in annual-report production than ever before, making life much easier for their IR minions in the process. According to a recent poll cionducted by Sid Cato (often billed as “Mr. Annual Report”), 86 out of every 100 CEOs actively contribute to the production of their company’s annual report, up from 66% in 1985 … (Click Here to Read More)



Fallout from Emulex Fiasco Hits Home at Internet Wire

By Craig McGuire

A bloody and battered Internet Wire is struggling to crawl out from under the recent Emulex debacle. Before now-notorious ex-employee Mark Jakob manipulated Internet Wire into issuing the release read round the world, the vendor appeared to be on the IPO fast-track … (Click Here to Read More)


Industry Group Blasts SEC on Proposed Rule Change

By Craig McGuire

Heating up an already hotly contested issue, the Securities Industry Association (SIA) has blasted the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) proposed rule changes on selective disclosure. The SIA’s complaints were aired in a 20-page document recently submitted … (Click Here to Read More)


NIRI Criticizes SEC Disclosure Rule

By Craig McGuire

The National Investor Relations Institute (NIRI) last week fired the latest volley in the debate over selective disclosure, asking the Securities and Exchange Commission to hold off on implementing proposed Regulation FD and allow the industry to adopt its own rules … (Click Here to Read More)


NIRI Lets Members Accepted Stock as Pay for Service

By Craig McGuire

The National Investor Relations Institute (NIRI) Board of Directors has reversed its long-standing policy against IR consultants accepting stock for services, a decision that already has some pros rethinking their compensation strategies … (Click Here to Read More)


Nortel Not Guilty, Crisis Team Proves

By Craig McGuire

When Lucent Technologies blindsided investors on Thursday, January 6, by warning that its first-quarter earnings would fall below analysts’ expectations, Andrew Lark, Vice President of Global Communications at rival Nortel Networks, quickly pulled himself out of a meeting … (Click Here to Read More)


NYSE Amex Debut Decimal Listings

By Craig McGuire

The pilot program for decimalization on the NYSE and AMEX financial exchanges went off without a hitch last week, thanks to a coordinated effort spearheaded by an SIA steering committee. The exchanges first started issuing releases in late 1998 and early 1999 when it became apparent … (Click Here to Read More)


NIRI Voices Views on the Evils of FD

By Craig McGuire

Fearing that its members won’t be adequately braced for the SEC’s stringent new rules, the National Investor Relations Institute has stepped up its campaign to explain the potential impact of the newly enacted Regulation FD. Taking its show on the road … (Click Here to Read More)


Pros Mop Up NYSE De-Listing Fallout

By Craig McGuire

Following the New York Stock Exchange’s first loss of a listing to Nasdaq, PR pros from both companies scrambled last week to deal with the fallout. Aeroflex, a Plainview, NY-based hi-tech outfit, became the first firm to de-list with NYSE since … (Click Here to Read More)


IR Pros See Change Following Birth of SEC’s Dot-Com Commission

By Craig McGuire

Whether they result in increased self-regulation or a new SEC rule, the findings of the Garten Commision are likely to change the way IR pros do their jobs. That’s what many practitioners are saying about the panel … (Click Here to Read More)


IR Pros Work to Calm Fears in Wake of Market Volatility

By Craig McGuire

IR pros took a cautious breather last week when markets rebounded following one of the largest point losses on record. But first, the volatility had IR pros on both the agency and client side scrambling to calm fears of a market collapse … (Click Here to Read More)


Photo Credit: Martin Ceradle, Courtesy of Unsplash.com