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PR Week: Techniques

How to Avoid a Nightmare Press Conference

By Craig McGuire

Standing in front of hundreds of journalists, and your client, is one time you DO NOT want to screw up. Craig McGuire recounts press conference horror stories to learn from. Organizing the annual press conference for the National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month Coalition, Katherine Hutt felt confident … (Click Here to Read More)


How to Avoid Corporate Culture Shock

By Craig McGuire

As a brighter economic picture creates more job openings in PR, Craig McGuire talks to HR heads and uncovers techniques for finding the posting that is right for you With the economy improving and new business abounding in the PR sector this year, David Langston, like many of his peers, was ready for a change. For nearly three years as a director of internal communications at a major multinational PR agency, he admits he felt trapped in an environment that was never a good fit for his personality … (Click Here to Read More)


How to Assemble a Crisis Management Toolkit

By Craig McGuire

Combining the latest technology, old-fashioned contingency plans, and solid ties to newswire vendors will ensure a company’s readiness for any crisis. Bad news travels quickly and widely. A crisis management toolkit is nothing new, nor is it something that can be bought off the shelf. It is more of a concept in the realm of crisis management and disaster recovery … (Click Here to Read More)


How to Build a Better Broadcast Package

By Craig McGuire

Craig McGuire gets to the nuts and bolts of what should go into a compelling pitch. Developing a VNR that turns a news producer’s head is increasingly challenging. So what you use and how you use it makes all the difference. For the recent Palm Treo 680 launch, A&R Edelman distributed a package that was nearly as multi-functional as the new smartphone itself … (Click Here to Read More)


How to Build a Relationship with an Editorial Board

By Craig McGuire

Quality, not quantity, is the key to building lasting relationships with editorial boards. Landing a single briefing with an editorial board – those at a print titles dictating the direction of editorials – can be a coup for the right client. Building long-term ties with board members, however, can net a much greater return for the agency. No one said it would be easy, though. In fact, subtlety is the key to such courtships … (Click Here to Read More)


How to Create an eKit Media Package

By Craig McGuire

Many press kits have gone virtual, measured in bytes, not pages. Craig McGuire discovers what to include. The press kit, that fundamental cornerstone of any PR outreach, has come a long way. So-called “e-kits” brim with CDs, DVDs, MP3s, RSS feeds, Web links, satellite feeds, and many other treats.

Like e-mail and e-commerce, an e-kit may never totally replace its predecessor. But it is a vital part of the arsenal. An e-kit still possesses the same core components a traditional one would have included … (Click Here to Read More)


How to Develop a Virtual PR Agency

By Craig McGuire

“Bricks and clicks” virtual agencies are becoming attractive business models for PR pros who like the flexibility in location and staff recruitment that such online enterprises provide.  Though lacking the physical assets of traditional PR firms, “virtual” agencies have carved out a niche in the industry, mainly driven by the lower costs they offer. While many freelancers today pass themselves off as such, a true virtual PR agency is an incorporated business existing almost exclusively online.… (Click Here to Read More)


How to Develop PSAs for Child Health Issues

By Craig McGuire

A growing crisis in children’s health is driving a crop of PSAs targeting this crowd. Craig McGuire discovers how to walk the line between powerful and patronizing. From measures to reduce childhood obesity and diabetes, to messages teaching kids the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse, many organizations are trying to reach kids through public service announcements. Fortunately for them, such PSAs, if done well, are especially attractive to media outlets looking to tug on the heartstrings of their audiences … (Click Here to Read More)


How to Draw Top Journalists to Your Event

By Craig McGuire

To get top journalists to your event, you must give them a compelling reason to attend.

The media wants information it can use. An obvious statement, but one some event producers seem to forget. Offering free gifts has long been a popular formula for attracting attendees, but event planning must extend way beyond that to get the attention of today’s reporter … (Click Here to Read More)


How to Extend Your VNRs

By Craig McGuire

Producing a VNR requires a big investment, so users are seeking ways to extend their impact. When it comes to VNRs, well-written commentary and slick production can only get you so far. With thousands of VNRs pumping into America’s newsrooms each year – and sadly, with most destined to be tossed by picky journalists – it is easy to get buried under the pile … (Click Here to Read More)


How to Manage PR for a Graceful Senior-Level Departure

By Craig McGuire

A senior-level departure is a good opportunity for a company to look to the future. Nothing draws a crowd in the corporate world quite like news of an executive departure. Managing the flow of communications can mean the difference between a bit of rubbernecking and full-on gridlock. Technology Solutions Co., a Chicago-based tech consultancy, engaged Makovsky & Co. to communicate the departure of president/CEO Michael Gorsage, who resigned “to pursue other business interests.”… (Click Here to Read More)


How to Find the Right PR Position

By Craig McGuire

As a brighter economic picture creates more job openings in PR, Craig McGuire talks to HR heads and uncovers techniques for finding the posting that is right for you. With the economy improving and new business abounding in the PR sector this year, David Langston, like many of his peers, was ready for a change. For nearly three years as a director of internal communications at a major multinational PR agency, he admits he felt trapped in an environment that was never a good fit for his personality … (Click Here to Read More)


How PR Pros Can Command C-Level Respect

By Craig McGuire

Discovers how PR professionals can gain both the respect of C-level executives and a seat at the corporate table. Commanding the respect of seasoned executives is a challenging proposition for any PR professional. But in today’s intense business climate, junior PR practitioners are at an even greater disadvantage, viewed by many ominous, omnipotent corporate titans as inexperienced, or simply insignificant … (Click Here to Read More)


How to Get a Celebrity to Say Yes to Your Event

By Craig McGuire

It takes more than just money to secure the right celebrity for your product. Craig McGuire discovers what truly resonates with the high-maintenance crowd. How difficult do you think it would be to get George Lucas, Cameron Diaz, John Elway, and Queen Latifah to sign on for the same event? Now consider the event is the Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach Pro/Celebrity Race, requiring your celebs to commit eight exhausting days to training, track practice, and public appearances, including the three days of Race Weekend. Oh, and they won’t be paid … (Click Here to Read More)


How to Get Beyond the Talking Heads

By Craig McGuire

While the “talking head” format is popular in SMTs, other ways exist to engage audiences. Anecdote has it that nothing makes a TV producer groan louder than a talking head. These days, generating interest in an SMT requires innovation and imagination, and maybe even a stunt. All the while, the art of the successful SMT is in its subtlety, where the subject – the product, movie, or any other property being promoted – is almost incidental in the context of a larger news angle … (Click Here to Read More)


How to Penetrate New Markets

By Craig McGuire

For many agencies, chances are they’ll be presented with opportunities to work with businesses in markets they’re not used to navigating. Craig McGuire finds best practices for playing in a new field. Unless your agency caters exclusively to a specific niche, chances are you may sometimes find yourself challenged to service clients in industries outside your comfort zone … (Click Here to Read More)


How to Pitch Your Cause

By Craig McGuire

To succeed in the world of cause-related marketing, your public service announcements must be provocative, well-produced and comprehensively pitched. Craig McGuire reports. Last year, television and radio stations across the country were flooded with more than 1,000 public service announcements … (Click Here to Read More)


How to Produce an Effective Annual Report

By Craig McGuire

Companies are now producing their second annual reports in the post-Sarbanes-Oxley era, and can better gauge how much information, and what kind, to use. To measure the profound impact 2002’s Sarbanes-Oxley Act has had on financial and corporate communications in the US, take a look at the opening lines of Tyco International’s past three annual reports … (Click Here to Read More)


How to Put the IT in Publicity

By Craig McGuire

You may be web-savvy enough to track reporters or post your expert sources on ProfNet. But can you make the most of blogs, RSS, and other new tools? Since the days of the internet boom way, way back in the 1990s, perhaps no technological advancement has been as empowering as the proliferation of blogs  … (Click Here to Read More)


How to Reward Good Performance

By Craig McGuire

Companies that herald the good work of their agencies do more than just boost PR pros’ egos. Such recognition also can serve as motivation to work harder and set a respectful tone. Companies that take the time to recognize the exemplary contributions of the agencies they retain really motivate their PR partners. But perhaps more important, taking a closer look can help a company identify best practices it may want other agencies to emulate.… (Click Here to Read More)


How to Sustain Client Relationships When Primary Contact Departs

By Craig McGuire

With a variety of economic forces driving high corporate turnover, PR professionals must be prepared for what happens when their primary client contacts suddenly change. “One of the greatest challenges in running a PR agency today is managing the fallout from corporate volatility,” says Jennifer Prosek, partner in the New York-based agency Cubitt Jacobs & Prosek (CJ&P) … (Click Here to Read More)


How to Target Baby Boomers

By Craig McGuire

Baby boomers make up a socially aware demographic, making them great PSA targets. The first baby boomers are turning 60 this year. For an entire generation that once warned, “never trust anyone over 30,” that’s an important milestone … (Click Here to Read More)


How to Target Your PSA at Multi-cultural Audiences

By Craig McGuire

Producing and distributing a PSA that has to span language and demographic divides offers many challenges. Craig McGuire finds some ways of tackling them. With television and radio stations more aggressively courting multicultural audiences, broadcasters are more receptive than ever to airing PSAs that target them. And in terms of PSAs, no audience is growing as quickly or as diversely as Latinos … (Click Here to Read More)


How to Target PSAs at Hispanic Audiences

By Craig McGuire

While PSAs targeting Hispanics are growing, simply translating them from English isn’t enough. One in every seven people in the US today is Hispanic, according to the US Census Bureau. That represents a 41.3 million-strong demographic, expected to grow even larger as immigration and birth rates outpace growth of non-Hispanic blacks and whites … (Click Here to Read More)


How to Tell a B2B Product Story Properly

By Craig McGuire

Not every tech story is a Google. Craig McGuire finds out how to place b-to-b. When Porter Novelli signed Scalable Software in August 2005, the Houston-based compliance solutions maker was not exactly a media darling. Despite starting with a client with no customers, no name recognition, and a paltry monthly PR budget of $8,000, PN has since scored mentions in The New York Times, eWeek, Government Computer News … (Click Here to Read More)


How to Use a Contest to Promote Your Cause

By Craig McGuire

Running sweepstakes and contests can be a solid brand-promotion vehicle. Everybody loves to win. And with advancements in technology, you don’t need to send Ed McMahon to ring everyone’s doorbell.

New Line Cinema is currently collaborating with online community TagWorld on a contest where one lucky unsigned band will have its song appear in the upcoming Samuel L. Jackson film, Snakes on a Plane … (Click Here to Read More)


How to Use Alternative Channels to Get Your Message Out

By Craig McGuire

Alternative methods of distributing your messages – Wire services are the main – but not the only – distribution method for press releases and other important information Craig McGuire reports. While newswires may be the most common method to distribute press releases and other information to journalists, they are not the only way … (Click Here to Read More)


How to Use Art Properly in Your Pitch

By Craig McGuire

Pitches with art are often more compelling than words alone. Whether it’s a Web screen shot, product/event picture, headshot, or an icon, good art can elevate a pitch from a maybe to a definite. The challenge is to provide the art in an acceptable form and to deliver it in a way that is convenient for the media you are targeting … (Click Here to Read More)


How to Use Audience Research to Hit Your Target

By Craig McGuire

Many services can tell you what stations and shows people tune into. Craig McGuire discovers how to best use the tools to ensure your message doesn’t fall on deaf ears. Anchoring your radio or broadcast campaign placement strategy on quality audience information is critical to ensure you get the most for your efforts. However, navigating the arcane world of audience research and digging through the data that is often indecipherable, if not downright misleading, can be a sticky proposition … (Click Here to Read More)


How to Use Exclusives and Embargoes

By Craig McGuire

Exclusives and embargoes are still very much alive, despite questions about relevance. The 24-7 media machine has made the age-old practice of offering journalists and media outlets exclusives and embargoed stories far more challenging … (Click Here to Read More)


How to Use “Narrowcasting” for Your VNRs

By Craig McGuire

VNRs need not solely look to major markets. Local and cable stations, as well as websites, are prime pitch targets to reach groups attuned to your issue. The top 10 media markets are obvious targets for most VNRs, but experts agree that being more selective in pitching can often produce the most desired results. And the term “narrowcasting” is one that comes to their lips most readily. Narrowcasting, or the practice of narrowly targeting a specific geography or demographic with your VNR … (Click Here to Read More)


How to Use Newswires to Promote Life Sciences

By Craig McGuire

Newswires tailor their services to meet the needs of various sectors, but healthcare may benefit the most, given its size. Craig McGuire details some targeted offerings. It’s no news that the life sciences are generating an enormous amount of copy these days. After all, we’re living longer, living better, and spending more money than ever to prolong and improve our quality of life … (Click Here to Read More)


How to Work the Newswires to Your Advantage

By Craig McGuire

Working with the wires – and their newfangled offerings [SH] Newswires now offer countless ways to slice and dice your message. As Craig McGuire reports, the first step in working with them is knowing who you need to reach. When Herbert Muschel launched PR Newswire in 1954 and Lorry Lokey started Business Wire in 1961, having such ready access to newsrooms was a big deal for companies wanting to get their messages out … (Click Here to Read More)


How to Work With Bloggers

By Craig McGuire

The rise of legitimate blogs has made the already delicate process of credentialing the media even trickier. Craig McGuire discovers how it’s done. The Democratic National Convention Committee’s (DNCC) recent decision to grant convention access to bloggers struck a chord with event coordinators everywhere. Considering the rapid proliferation of non-traditional media outlets, credentialing as we know it will likely become increasingly challenging … (Click Here to Read More)


How to Land on “Best of …” Lists

By Craig McGuire

Making a magazine’s ‘Best of’ list is a coup for any company. As Craig McGuire finds, everything from the application to the outlet you target can greatly impact your chances. For companies seeking third-party endorsements to enhance their reputations, earning a ranking in a credible magazine’s “Best of…” special issue can be a PR bonanza … (Click Here to Read More)


How to Properly Disclose Financial Data

By Craig McGuire

Newswire companies can help clients avoid the pitfalls of disclosing financial details. When it comes to disseminating a public company’s financial information, getting it right will earn a light pat on the back. But thanks to Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulations, getting it wrong can be disastrous … (Click Here to Read More)


How to Live in a “Material” World

By Craig McGuire

For a publicly traded company, sending material information over newswires is rife with regulations. Craig McGuire spells out what should – and shouldn’t – be done. As communications professionals for publicly traded companies can attest, developing a news release in today’s corporate climate is serious business … (Click Here to Read More)


How to Manage Communications for Corporate Boards

By Craig McGuire

Corporate boards need to communicate outward more than ever. As corporate boards continue to grapple with the fallout from the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, they are feeling intense pressure to not only act more responsibly, but to better articulate their companies’ governance practices … (Click Here to Read More)


How to Manage New Product Releases

By Craig McGuire

To make sure your launch is more flash than fizzle, Craig McGuire shares some proven tips pulled from campaigns that successfully cut through the clutter. Few PR pros have the luxury of launching a unique or innovative product into a market clamoring for its release. Below are examples of agencies who found creative ways to get the job done … (Click Here to Read More)


How to Manage Remote Relationships With Clients

By Craig McGuire

Clients no longer need firms to be near. They now prioritize expertise over geography to pick agencies. Craig McGuire finds out how to make such relationships work. The internet and other technologies have made it possible for PR professionals to remotely manage client relationships, but it takes more than IM and VoIP to deliver true PR TLC … (Click Here to Read More)


How To Organize Comms Efficiently

By Craig McGuire

Integrating an increasingly complex array of PR activities, while supervising multiple agency relationships, can often be a challenge for corporate PR departments. However, it is something that can be more effectively managed with software. Still, such tools should enhance, not replace, solid PR practices. In 2005, Michelin North America deployed a highly customized hosted suite of on-demand software from Vocus to optimize PR work … (Click Here to Read More)


How To Place the Focus on Long-term Potential

By Craig McGuire

With the US economy on the verge of recession, more publicly traded companies than ever are either contemplating eschewing, if they haven’t already done so, the practice of providing quarterly earnings guidance in favor of longer-term projections. For some – small caps that rely on short-term guidance to attract analysts and companies in volatile sectors where forecasting is a challenge – even if such a dramatic shift seems unfeasible, it is worth considering … (Click Here to Read More)


How To Use Press Releases to Propel Your Business

By Craig McGuire

When engineering press releases today, more PR pros are embracing sophisticated Web 2.0 tactics to not just build buzz with media, but directly influence online consumers. For example, The Knot, a multimedia company that markets resources for wedding planning, uses Business Wire to distribute releases providing information on the organization – from editorial trends to new partnerships. But as Melissa Bauer, senior PR manager of The Knot, notes, it also uses those releases to market various service areas of the business … (Click Here to Read More)


How To Produce a Successful Trade Show Exhibit

By Craig McGuire

Exhibiting at a trade show can be a worthwhile investment to stand out from competitors. But it’s important to follow some guidelines to keep a trade show appearance from being a very costly mistake. As a manufacturer of athletic performance apparel, Wacoal Sports Science has exhibited at the Outdoor Retailer Winter and Summer Markets show in Salt Lake City, UT, for the past six years … (Click Here to Read More)


How to Relieve the Stress of Senior Departures

By Craig McGuire

Nothing can be more toxic for a company than the sudden exit of a senior executive. But effective PR can help head off the panic. First though, communicators cannot get caught in the headlights. “When someone in the C-suite suddenly exits, uncertainty may be sweeping the company, including the communications department,” says Rick Leonard, MD for Stanton Communications’ New York office. PR pros might develop a strong aversion to risk, not wanting to say something that would cause them to fall out of favor with the incoming regime … (Click Here to Read More)


How To Adjust RFP Proposals to the Times

By Craig McGuire

Not surprisingly, the eroding economy is stemming the flow of RFPs for AOR tasks. In fact, those that are being issued are now more likely to be for project work or inclusion on a roster of several firms. So agencies understandably have to adapt their responses to thrive under these conditions. Seventh Point, a Virginia-based firm, is reporting greater project assignments in proportion to AOR requests the past six months … (Click Here to Read More)


How To Roll With Changing Market Influences

By Craig McGuire

Market turmoil, dwindling budgets, and fierce competition online and at the newsstand are reshaping financial media. For some PR pros, this means adjusting to a tabloid approach to coverage. Drew Ferguson, VP in Ketchum’s Midwest corporate practice, points to last August, when the credit crunch boiled over and the secondary markets for financing mortgage securities ground to a halt … (Click Here to Read More)


How To Place Well on Rankings

By Craig McGuire

Five years ago, when Burson-Marsteller started tracking “Best of…” and “Top 100…” corporate scorecard features, the agency followed less than 100 rankings. Today, Burson’s executive positioning group specializes in pitching clients to more than 300 rankings – and not just in the US, but China, Germany, UK, and various other countries … (Click Here to Read More)


How To Get Radio Attention

By Craig McGuire

Healthcare campaigns that are designed for radio can be tricky, finds Craig McGuire.

Reporting complex healthcare issues often requires timely statistics and expert analysis, which means radio stations are receptive to outside content. But, deciding which tactics and tools work for which campaigns – ANRs, RMTs, and others – depends on more than just the issue. For example … (Click Here to Read More)


How To Use the 10K Wrap

By Craig McGuire

Annual reports can include some different features that truly resonate with investors. To 10-K wrap or not to 10-K wrap? That question is on the minds of many financial communications professionals this time of year. A Form 10-K is the annual report required by the US Securities and Exchange Commission, providing a comprehensive summary of a public company’s performance … (Click Here to Read More)


How To Use Video During a Crisis

By Craig McGuire

Even the most thorough contingency planning cannot anticipate every unexpected situation. Having broadcast-quality footage already on hand, however, makes for a much quicker and more effective response when the sky starts falling. Be it a product recall, executive malfeasance, or an industry-wide calamity, all companies need some type of crisis communications plan in place that anticipates multiple scenarios. Canned … (Click Here to Read More)


How To Work With a Group of Influencers

By Craig McGuire

It requires a nuanced, well-crafted approach to connect with the newspapers’ editorial boards. Consolidation, competition, and declining readership may plague newspapers, but the editorial page still influences opinion leaders and policy-makers. “There’s no shortage of opinion out there, but few bloggers offer the value of being associated with a brand-name newspaper,” says Doug Holt, a Burson-Marsteller media practice director … (Click Here to Read More)


How To Manage M&A Communications

By Craig McGuire

When your company is being taken over, or even rumored to be, a whole circus of communications comes into play, as reporter Craig McGuire found out. With the Southern California Simi Valley wildfires wafting smoke over WellPoint Health Networks’ Thousand Oaks headquarters … (Click Here to Read More)


How To Ride Out Economic Unease With Client Services

By Craig McGuire

As the economic climate dampens, new business opportunities across the industry, some PR firms are focusing on client service to shore up existing accounts. For instance, proactive surveying of client satisfaction enables New York-based Makovsky & Company to identify issues before they prompt exits. “My experience is that clients don’t always tell agencies when they are dissatisfied, and that cancellations can come unexpectedly,” says agency president Ken Makovsky … (Click Here to Read More)


How To Make the Most of Online Video for Reputation

By Craig McGuire

More effective monitoring of broadcast and online video clips produces powerful material to better support reputation management. When news breaks concerning McDonald’s, Danya Proud, senior manager of US communications, needs to share those clips with internal corporate colleagues in 22 regions, 70-plus external PR and ad agencies, 2,500 franchisees representing 14,000 restaurants, and more … (Click Here to Read More)


How To Narrow the Focus, As Needed

By Craig McGuire

Even the smallest businesses can land prominent coverage in the Business section. It just depends on the pitch. For example, Connect2 Communications netted a placement for its client Acme Packet in a November 5 Wall Street Journal article, “Small Firms Hire Guides As They Head Abroad,” which focused on companies wrestling with expansion overseas. Acme sells telecommunications equipment … (Click Here to Read More)


How To Use Conversation Monitoring

By Craig McGuire

A product launch is a prime opportunity to track online dialogue. In an increasingly digital world where more purchasing decisions are being influenced by Internet postings, effective monitoring is an indispensable component of the product launch … (Click Here to Read More)


How To Look at More Than Just the Numbers

By Craig McGuire

Annual reports can include some different features that truly resonate with investors. To 10-K wrap or not to 10-K wrap? That question is on the minds of many financial communications professionals this time of year. A Form 10-K is the annual report required by the US Securities and Exchange Commission, providing a comprehensive summary of a public company’s performance … (Click Here to Read More)


How To Keep Your Press Releases Relevant

By Craig McGuire

A recent survey of journalists by Atlanta PR firm Arketi Group found news releases are used by 90% of business journalists as sources for story ideas. However, as 54% of those same journalists say they also turn to bloggers, press releases must go beyond simple text and incorporate features like links, social media tags, images, and even video … (Click Here to Read More)


How To Inject Life Into Healthcare Pitches

By Craig McGuire

Reporters covering complex healthcare subjects are typically entrenched in their beat and knowledgeable about the subject matter. That means that PR pros pitching potential stories to healthcare media must step up their game. For example, the quickest way for healthcare PR pros to lose credibility with reporters in the sector is to spin the data … (Click Here to Read More)


How To Cut Work Ties Without Burning Bridges

By Craig McGuire

Breaking up is always hard to do, especially when it involves the untangling of an agency and its client. But there are ways to make the process less painful. Before accepting a position as director of marketing and communications at Good Samaritan Hospital in Dayton, Ohio, LuJean Smith spent several years as senior director of PR at Siemens Medical Solutions, managing multiple agency relationships … (Click Here to Read More)


How To Expand Your Website to Improve Readership

By Craig McGuire

Journalists are no longer the only ones thirsting for company news, a fact that corporate communications pros know all too well. In an effort to appeal to audiences beyond the press room, many companies are retro fitting Web sites. In December 2007, FedEx debuted the international module of FedEx Newsroom, featuring news produced for more than 14 international markets … (Click Here to Read More)


How To Find the Middle Ground in Staffing

By Craig McGuire

Finding a PR pro that has five to seven years of experience is a difficult task on its own. Appealing to this group’s preferences – which can include workplace environment, alternative compensation, flex time, a nurturing culture, and leadership tracks – while not overpaying, makes this area of recruitment even more challenging. But while good PR help is hard to find, it’s not impossible … (Click Here to Read More)


How To Go Beyond Press Release Distribution

By Craig McGuire

Newswires are continually diversifying their services these days, with an ever-evolving range of measurement and monitoring tools to help PR practitioners demonstrate true ROI. PR Newswire sells such standalone, subscription-based products as eWatch for online monitoring; MediaSense, to measure client and competitor mentions; and Media-Sense Blog Measurement … (Click Here to Read More)


How To Help the Little Guy Make a Splash

By Craig McGuire

The right pitch can help get coverage for the smaller tech companies. While it can be harder for smaller consumer tech companies to net influential coverage, it is certainly possible. As with any company, it requires a combination of research, perseverance, and a unique story angle … (Click Here to Read More)


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